4 Steps to Get In Touch With Your Feelings
Are you in touch with your feelings?
To be in touch with your feelings means that you're aware of your body. You have an awareness of what is going on inside. You can literally feel your moods. When you're sad, your body does not feel the same as when you're happy. If you can stay aware of your body, you will learn to associate certain physical sensations with certain emotions.
One of the greatest skills you can ever possess in life is the awareness of your own feelings and emotions.
Because when you are in touch with your emotional brain you feel more connected to yourself, other people, and life at large. While feelings and emotions do have a way of tripping us up (sometimes in embarrassing or painful ways), they can also be tremendously helpful. Intuition can be more easily accessed, compassion can be shown to others, and love can fill your heart more often.
Step Notice sensations in your body. Each of your emotions has a unique physiological signature in your body.
Step 2: Name your emotion.
Step 3: Share the sensation and emotion
Step 4: Ask for what you need in the moment.